University Mediation Services

Mediation is an informal, semi-structured process in which an impartial third party (a mediator) assists disputing parties in working through and resolving work-related problems or conflicts. It is a non-judgmental, voluntary process that focuses on helping parties find mutually satisfying resolutions to their problems, consistent with each of their interests and without formal grievance proceedings.

Employee Relations, 919-515-6575, administers the University Mediation Services Program.

Who Is Eligible?

Any University employee may request mediation services. All parties participating in mediation must be employees of the University.

All employees may direct requests to Employee Relations, 919-515-6575. Faculty mediation requests may be directed to the Chair of the Faculty Senate or Employee Relations/ Human Resources.

What Topics Are Appropriate for Mediation?

Mediation is an appropriate tool for dealing with most interpersonal and work-related conflicts, including

  • Personal disputes
  • Office behaviors
  • Issues of respect and cooperation

It also is an effective tool for addressing many content or process conflicts related to work assignments and duties, such as

  • Resource allocation
  • Operational authority
  • Ownership issues

Some issues may not be appropriate for mediation within the guidelines of the University Mediation Services Program.

  • Mediation of current or pending legal actions
  • Some organizational decisions
  • Conflicts surrounding violations or applications of university policies
  • Concerns relating to serious violations of rights or regulations

The Program Coordinator reserves the right to decline any mediation request that is deemed inconsistent with the intent or resources of the program.

Why Consider Mediation?

The mediation program at NC State is intended to assist University employees in resolving conflicts amicably, without the need for formal grievances or other adversarial forms of formal dispute. While NC State has well established procedures for the resolution of formal grievances, the University community benefits from alternative dispute resolution mechanisms that provide more collegial, less adversarial means to resolve disputes that may or may not be formally grievable.

Guiding Policies and Other Resources

Office of State Human Resources

NC State University

NC State Human Resources